12th December 2014 ... Louise Ottewell Marshall
Just thought I
would say 'hi'
Thinking of the Roneberg family and friends
I am also carrying a lot of anger about "T"
It's messed up ... she would be so proud of everything that has
happened since she passed but still, she should be with us
Note from Sharon
Thanks, Louise
I truly think she would be surprised and proud but you are so
right ... she should be here
Note from Louise
She would definitely surprised ... she was a humble person
I wonder if she would swap all the achievements since her passing,
to come back and continue her life ??
I miss her
Note from Sharon
I would want her to say 'YES' !!
She might like her new life better now anyway
I miss her too ... so much
Note from Louise
I would like her to say 'YES' too !!
Also, I am sure she has saved at least one life just from the
awareness of cyclists in Cairns that her tragic story has highlighted
I hope she is wearing the Weather Proof Poncho I got for her
!! ... HERE ... and scroll down to Monday
13th January 2014
Note from Sharon
I don't mind being on a roundabout with cyclists ... I am the
motorist they would most want to be riding next to !!
I see the continued awareness of cyclists every day and it is
most gratifying
I am sure she wears that Poncho and then puts it neatly back
on The Bike when she is finished with it !!
10th February 2015 ... Brett Hogan
Hi Geoff and Sharon
It's been a while since I'd checked in to see how you all were
going so I've only just found out what those little bastards
have done to Tanya's Memorial ... HERE
If you and Brett catch them give them a flogging and throw a
few in for me also
On the bright side at least her picture can be replaced and it
was really nice of that couple to reinstall it free of charge
It doesn't look like I'll be back up there this season unless
I can jag a final but if not, I'll let you know when I do so
we can catch up
Thinking of you both ... take care
and Happy Anniversary !! ... HERE
Note from Geoff
Hi Brett
and thanks a million for your note
It was such a shock to walk up to The Plaque that day ... it
just knocked us both "to the ground"
( yep, if we ever find them, there will be something "very
special" given to them just from you !! )
The replacement ceramic has arrived from Italy and it was going
to be replaced over last weekend, but the wet season has arrived
with a vengeance ... hopefully by next Saturday/Sunday it will
fine up
Right from the start, Attila and Anna at Trinity Monuments have
been so kind and considerate and we will always appreciate what
they did for us
We get along okay but there are so many memories and sad days
"Special Days" like Christmas and New Years and Brett's
Birthday are so difficult to get through
Today is the "11th" ... hate that date ... it is now
twenty-one months since a 'Text From Tanya Mary'
You may know her close friend Bethany ... a really nice kid and
it is her birthday today ... misses "T"
Tanya's Facebook Page is still "busy" with messages
from friends ... we love that ... so does she !!
Thanks for the Anniversary wishes ... fourty years !!
We hope that the NBL Officials decide that Mr Brett Hogan has
to go to Cairns for the Finals !!
Regards to you and best wishes
10th March 2015
... Andria Rowe
"Always Thinking Of Others"
Hi Sharon
I was looking at photos the other night and came across this
one of Tanya that you may not have seen
In August 2006 I had my downstairs
remodelled, including kitchen, toilet, floors, everything
This photo was taken the morning the fellows were coming to demolish
the kitchen and pull up the flooring
I had moved absolutely everything from my downstairs, including
all the stuff from my kitchen, and had not a thing in my house
to eat, as the fridge was cleaned out and moved too
So, of course, before heading off to work, who should come along,
but the lovely Tanya, with pastries and coffee
And together we had a picnic in the empty downstairs of my house
I miss My Gorgeous Friend so, so much, but have such wonderful
memories of our times together, and thought you'd be interested
in this one
Hope you and Geoff are going okay
Note from Sharon
I absolutely love it Andria ... thank you for sending it to us
It is wonderful to see a new photo of Tanya that we havent
No doubt she was a thoughtful girl with a knack for knowing what
was needed and when !!
She did such thoughtful things for me too
One particular memory I had the other day was this
I had complained about not having a bath for years, so after
work one day I had to go to her unit and get straight into the
bath she had ready for me
With candles, soft music and a glass of wine
She called me when dinner was ready and we had a lovely evening
... I remember not wanting to drive home !!
We miss Our Beautiful Daughter so much too but, like you, we
have the most wonderful memories
We are going along a day at a time and doing okay
Hope things are going well in your life too Andria ... I think
of you often
Thanks so much again ... talk to you soon ... love from us
14th March 2015
... Karen Turner
Hi, Geoff and Sharon, and I hope you are both doing well
I wondered what the latest update was with Tanya's Plaque ??
... and my apologies if I missed an update
Note from Geoff
Hi Karen, and Sharon will send you a note later tonight
In the meantime, click ... HERE ... and scroll down the page till
you see this heading ...
Note from Karen
Thanks so much for that, Geoff
So glad to see her restored to her beautiful and perfect self
Note from Sharon
Hi, Karen
I do hope all is well with you ... you certainly have two beautiful
engaging little girls !!
I run "The Stairs" a lot at Trinity Beach and people
stop all the time to read Tanya's Plaque
It is a peaceful place and I like that people work out around
her every day and think of her for just a moment
I am sure she motivates them !!
Love to you all
29th March 2015
... Shaun Cupitt
Hi Mr Roneberg
Wow, how long has it been ?? ... Shaun Cupitt here
I was just looking around on the net when I found your website
... nice !!
Let me first say I was deeply saddened reading about Tanya ...
what a tragedy ... fucken drink drivers !!
Just wanted to touch base with you and find out how everyone
is and what you all are up to these days
I don't have Facebook as it gives me the shits so I thought I
would just send you an email
I am married now and have a little one year old girl ... how
quick things changed when she came along
Say hi to Brett and Sharon for me and hope to hear from you soon
Note from Geoff
Goddam !! ... fell off me bloody chair when I saw who this was
from !!
The lanky left-handed pitcher !!
Firstly, thank you for your words and thoughts about Tanya
Our gorgeous precious Daughter and Sister
We miss her so much and she is in our hearts and minds every
single day
Secondly, it is "Geoff" and not "Mr Roneberg"
I guess, when you were looking around, that you saw Brett's Section
of our Web Site ... HERE
So I will not rave on too much !! ... everything is there
HOWEVER ... there is something attached which I haven't yet added
to the Site ... A Great Honour !!
Plus, as you can see, he is
also receiving a copy of this note ... and you included your
mobile number
He is as busy as all hell, commuting between Cairns and Darwin,
but he'll send you a note and / or text
Under the circumstances, Sharon and I get along okay
The four of us were very close, with baseball and crossfit and
doing so many other things together
Tanya is always "there" and we do not want it any other
way ... ever !!
Great to read of your family ... one year old kid, eh ... lotta
work, lotta responsibility, but a lotta fun !!
Enjoy every minute !!
Please stay in contact
11th April 2015
... Sharon to Natasha Adams
How is your lovely Nana, Natasha ??
Note from Natasha
Hi Sharon, and she's better, thank you
She's just getting old and starting to wind down I think
I was taking her and the girls for 'High Tea' at the International
for Giorgia's Birthday with her friends and she started having
trouble breathing when we arrived
The doctors think it may be something wrong with her heart and
that is causing the breathing issues
She's much better now though and having regular check ups
This is always a rough time of year for her though as it was
Mum's Anniversary last month, Mum's Birthday on 10th April, and
then Nana's sister had two minor hearts attacks the day before
Nana had her episode
Just a lot of worry for an old lady ... we are all taking care
of her though
Thank you for your concern ... and how are all of you ??
Note from Sharon
It's good she has you all to keep an eye on her and I am glad
she is feeling better
I am sure she feels much loved and that is medicinal in itself
We are going along okay
Bit of a tough weekend for us with the 11th falling on a Saturday
... almost two years and it still feels like yesterday
Brett is being inducted into the Queensland Baseball "Hall
of Fame" next Saturday in Brisbane and I am going down with
Makes me sad knowing how much Tanya would have loved it and how
proud she would be
I know you would have those thoughts many times in your own life
but we have to continue on for our own families
Note from Natasha
I saw that on Facebook about Brett ... you must be so very proud
and no doubt Tanya would have been also
Yes, we continue on but it's bittersweet a lot of the time ...
and Giorgia's 10th Birthday meant ten years and eleven days since
Mum had passed
The passing of a parent is incredibly sad, no matter how it happens,
but I can't imagine the heartache of losing a child
And yes it is reassuring that we are geographically close by
so we can keep an eye on her
It was a blessing that her breathing difficulty occurred when
I was with her and five minutes away from the hospital
Thank you for your concern for Nana ... I will tell her so next
time I speak with her
My partner and I are holidaying on Magnetic Island with our six
children over school holidays so as you can imagine, we are having
quite a few wines and beers in amongst skate park visits, beach
outings, and breaking up arguements !!
It's not easy, but we are doing our best to make it relatively
stress free
I look forward to seeing you all dressed up for Brett's "Special
Night" ... enjoy
Sending love, hugs and sunshine
13th April 2015
... John and Helen Haddow (extract from email)
Dear Geoff and family
You do not know me however I did meet your son Brett a few years
Our family lives in your Bishop Avenue (Adelaide) family home
Brett knocked on our door and was thrilled to revisit his Grandparent's
Firstly, from our family to yours, we are all so sorry to read
about your Beautiful Daughter Tanyas tragedy
It has made us all feel so dreadful since coming across this
over the internet
With kindest regards
Note from Geoff
Thank you so much for your thoughts about Tanya
Memorial Page ... HERE
A Really Special Beautiful Girl ... and Saturday 11th May 2013
was a devasting day ... a nightmare
We miss her so much ... but we also "share and talk with
her" every day ... she'll always be a part of our lives
Yes, I remember Brett's visit to Adelaide and "The Family
Homestead" !! ... back during December 2011
If you haven't seen them, there are around thirty photos from
that visit and they can be seen ... HERE
You may remember that Brett played Professional Baseball for
a number of years, and last Saturday night he received the Honour
of being inducted into the Queensland Baseball "Hall of
Fame" !!
He and Sharon, along with a number of friends, flew to Brisbane
( I don't like aeroplanes !! ) for the Ceremony and said it was
a Fantastic but Emotional Night as Tanya is his #1 Supporter
There are lots of details and photos on ... THIS ... page
Very, very proud of him and the man he has become
Thanks for your contact
And look after that house ... might want it back one day !!
23rd April 2015
... Sharon to Mary Surman (extract from email)
Hi Mary
We are going along okay
Missing Tanya is just the way our life is now ... it will be
two years on Monday 11th May
I can still hardly believe this terrible thing happened to her
and to us
We will be going to the ANZAC Day Dawn Service here at Trinity
We will be there in memory of Erick and all who have lost their
lives and we will be there for Our Beautiful Tanya
The most passionate patriotic Australian I have ever known !!
She never missed a service after her visit to Gallipoli ... it
moved her so much ... HERE
Take care and give our love to all
Note from Mary
Dear Sharon
I did recall that the Anniversary of Tanya's tragedy was in May
and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers
Why is it is so often true that the most special leave this earthly
world way too early, leaving eternal voids in our hearts ...
a sense of longing and emptiness that can never be replaced by
I am certain that not only our heroic soldiers who have died
in action or thereafter, but also those of us who have carried
the light of the ANZAC's memory of service and sacrifice, such
as your Tanya, that their spirit and energy will be evident at
Gallipoli on this 100th Anniversary also
You have been blessed with such special memories of Tanya, not
based purely on the love of a child, but because she found an
urgency and need to go beyond the ordinary, leaving her footprint
on the hearts of many
If you too would like a copy of Erick's letters, please send
me an address so that I can post them to you
Perhaps you might sit quietly beside Tanya's Memorial and read
them to her, you never know, Erick may just be standing close
by her, watching over her as I am sure he would have for any
family member
Fate can be so cruel, but with faith, we can trust that both
Tanya and Erick are at peace in their eternal world
Keep smiling and laugh often, it is good for the soul
Note from Sharon
Hi Mary
Your words were very touching ... thank you
It will be a tough week for us next week
As well as Monday 11th May being two years since Tanya was taken,
on the Sunday it is Mother's Day and on the Saturday it is the
annual "Ride for Tanya" to promote cycling safety
Brett and I will be riding seventeen kilometres ... that will
be a test !!
The route passes Tanya's 'Ghost Bike' and that is where Geoff
waits to wave and thank everyone taking part
One thousand riders took part last year so we hope for a large
number again
Thanks again for your thoughtful words
1st May 2015
... Bethany Knights
Hi Sharon
Thinking about Tanya a lot tonight and missing her so much
I think of you and Geoff all the time and how much you must miss
Wish she was still here
Note from Sharon
Thanks so much, Bethany
It's not an easy road to travel ... I miss her all the time and
yet she is with me always
My memories of her and her beautiful friends are how I keep going
3rd May 2015
... Jacqui Searson
Hi you two
Just want to say I love you and have been thinking of you and
of Tanya heaps
I have you in my thoughts every day
Note from Sharon
Thanks, Jacqui
To know that you and so many others do think and care about us
and Tanya has helped us more than you could ever know these past
two years
It has kept us from falling apart
I told Tanya's friend Kellie today about your visit to the clairvoyant
I will always remember how I felt when I read your email ...
it lifted a load from my shoulders because I knew My Girl was
Much love to you, too
15th May 2015
... Sharon to Meagan Fanning
Hi Meagan, and we are so sorry for the loss of your Mum
I know she was proud of the beautiful caring daughter, sister
and friend you are
It is early days I know, but remember that your Mum is okay now
and I am sure she will let you know in her own way
Much love
Note from Meagan
Thank you, Sharon and Geoff for your kind words
I have comfort in knowing that my Mum is no longer in pain and
is now watching over me
I have been talking to Tanya a lot lately telling her that my
Mum would soon be on her way up and could she please look after
her and show her the ropes
I talked to Mum a lot about Tanya too, so I have no doubt they
will be hanging out together and that makes me smile !!
Note from Sharon
Tanya would definitely look after your Mum ... it is comforting
to me and to your Mum too, I hope
8th July 2015
... Sharon to Natalie Beecroft
The Queensland Maroons
have regained State of Origin supremacy
after humiliating the New South Wales Blues with a record 52-6
victory in the series decider at Lang Park
The Maroons, who led 22-2 at half-time, registered the largest
winning margin in Origin history
and scored their highest total via the eight tries to one display
against a shell-shocked Blues outfit
click HERE to read the complete article in 'pdf'
file format
Hi Natalie ... and I've just
finished watching Queensland win !!
Geez ... Tanya would have loved that !! ... all her favourite
players doing their thing !!
What an incredible game !!
Note from Natalie
Hi Sharon and Geoff
I thought about Tanya all night and how much she would have loved
that game !!
It bought back fantastic memories of the night we were there
together for the 2008 Series ... HERE
She definately epitomised what it was to be a Queenslander !!
Love to you both
Note from Sharon
Thanks, Natalie
and click HERE and scroll down to Thursday 9th July
2015 to read a note to Tanya
11th July 2015
... Sharon to Angela Westaway
I am absolutely certain Luke
was at the Wedding !!
I found a 'pure white feather' in the very centre of our back
table one day when I was feeling particularly sad
Also, the day before my first birthday without Tanya in August
2013 and the day before the 11th of December 2013, I found a
sixpence in my til at work
They were both dated '1954' which was the year I was born
It is as though Tanya knew I needed a lift at those times ...
it gives me great comfort
I have some other stories too
One in particular which lifted the pain from me and I knew for
certain she is fine and that is all I care about
Still miss her desperately but look forward to seeing her again
I hope you and your family are going along okay
Note from Angela
Thanks for sharing your stories, Sharon
We have been finding 'white feathers' in the most remarkable
places and just know they're from Luke
I used to imagine my life without him but there's no way I could
have known how hard it would be ... I've never known such sadness
I often think of you and how Tanya was just snatched away from
you and my heart aches for you
I would love to meet you one day so we can share our stories
Take care and thanks again for sharing
Note from Sharon
I would really like that too, Angela
Let me know when you feel like it
13th July 2015
... Teresa Walker
Hi Sharon
Hope all is well over there
Have not dropped you a line in like forever and was thinking
about you guys and that "Baby Girl" of yours !!
Brett looks like he's having an amazing time overseas ... loved
the photos !! ... HERE
Note from Sharon
Funny, Teresa ... I had three people I was going to write to
tonight and you are one of them !!
I was hoping you are going okay ... are you and Tristan doing
alright ?? ... I guess it is a little tough for you
We are fine ... always thinking of Tanya and that is just the
way it is
I had my best girlfriend come for a surprise visit !! ... HERE
We went for breakfast down at Trinity Beach
It was a stunning warm day and we saw five dolphins swimming
in the water down near Tanya's Plaque !!
They were close to the shore and they were beautiful ... made
my day !!
Brett is still away ... another four weeks in the USA ... he
did love the places he went to in Europe
26th July 2015
... Paul Alexander
Just a quick one to let
you, Geoff and Tanya know I had to let Lillie go this morning
Totally shattered
Tanya now has a new training buddy
Note from Sharon
That is sad Paul ... so sorry for your loss
It will be nice to imagine Tanya doing a nice long run with Lillie
"Lillie ... my old girl ... fourteen
years" |
18th August 2015
... Sharon to Tennille Denman
All okay in yours and Kyson's world ??
We miss hearing what's going on
Note from Tennille
Hello there, my 'second' mum and dad !!
All is okay so far ... trying the very best I can to be as strong
as I can and start finding 'me' again
If "TMR" was here she would kick my butt !!
Hope you're both well too ... in my thoughts every day
Note from Sharon
Good to hear from you ... stay in touch
Sunrise this morning at Tanya's Stairs !!
Note from Tennille
Ohhhh, gorgeous !!
17th September 2015 ... Sharon to Michelle Moseley
Hi Michelle
Tanya's Holiday in Japan ... February 2010
Tanya went to THIS
place ... it is Club Med Sahoro Resort on Hokkaido
And a favourite photo
and click HERE
for more details on the above shot
More photos ... HERE
Getting a bit carried away now ... but you get the idea !!
Note from Michelle
What an awesome holiday Tanya had !!
And wow, I'm impressed with how all the photos and videos have
been recorded ... pretty amazing watching them
I felt like I was there with Tanya ... very emotional
Tanya kept great Diaries didn't she, and I bet Geoff has recorded
all of these ... it's amazing !!
Thank you for sharing those
Note from Sharon

22nd September 2015 ... Kath Hadleigh
Hey Sharon ... I am so sorry
I just realised that I sent out invitations to "Write about
Words" ... HERE
... to everyone, including Tanya
I am so sorry ... I don't want to upset you or cause you any
more grief
Note from Geoff
Please, Kath, don't be concerned at all
So many people write to her and include her in their posts and
It is like she is still here, right in amongst it all !!
Remember, she was "The Queen of Facebook" !!
Our Best Wishes for your new venture
Note from Kath
Thank you so much, Geoff
You guys are amazing !!
Still miss her and have the odd conversation in my head with
her ... she was, and still is, such a 'Special Person'
Note from Geoff
Thanks ... you have a good day
30th September 2015 ... Geoff to Tennille Denman
Hey there, Miss Tennille
Your last few posts have been really nice and really funny !!
... Paronella Park for example, and even including the Burnt
Boob !!
Hoping you're feeling great and that all is good for you and
See you on the sand at Trinity Beach one day
From us two ... or maybe three !!
Note from Tennille
Hello, my two favourite people
As horrible as it is to say this ... don't be fooled by my posts
... there's no happiness in them
It's forced and fake which is why I prefer to deactivate Facebook
these days
I've been in a pretty dark place for a while now and done some
silly things I don't like myself for but I'm getting help and
hopefully all will come good
One thing I can say is I know "TMR" is around ... she
has to be
My little man is finally home from camping so I have the next
two days off with him
Hope you both have a lovely day ... love you !!
Note from Geoff
You want or need something, just sing out ... even if it's just
to sit and not do or say anything
Have fun with the boy over the next couple of days !!
And yes, "The Girl" is around and we know it too !!
Note from Tennille