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Saturday 4th July 2009

A "Karaoke" Night Out

fifteen photos and one video

119 Williams Esplanade
Palm Cove, Queensland




to go to their Official Web Site


A note from Sharon

Last night I was up on a stage ... singing !!

Here is the "How it Happened" story

During the last couple of years, I have heard that Brett is a very good Karaoke singer
I kept saying-and-hinting that I should be invited along to see one of his performances
I got a few promises ... but no invitation !!

Brett, Tanya and their friends go along to this place every couple of months
One of the group was going to have their birthday party there on Saturday

I can imagine Tanya and Brett debating whether they should ask their "Mum" to go along
The 'yes' vote won ... and I was going !! ... so off we went

I was looking forward to it ... and I was not disappointed

Brett was really good and can sing his country music songs very well
So can a few of his friends who all got up and gave it a go

Way back in 1987 I had an Entertainment Career !! ... they were called Lip-Synch Nights back then
I did two songs ...... "Leader of the Pack" and "Mein Herr"

Tanya, myself and Kahlia had a talk ... and the next minute we were up there !!
Belting out "Barbara Ann" ... and I reckon we were pretty good too!!

You wanna see some pictures ... ?? ... just scroll right to the bottom of this page

The venue was packed ... heaps of people there
Even a Bride and Groom arrived and were up on stage singing
It was a great night and I had lots of fun


Sharon and Brett

Tanya and Sharon

In the two shots below, Sharon and Tanya are in the background
and Tanya's friend, Errol, is talking to Brett who is on the far right

Sharon, Brett's friend Kahlia, Tanya and Nat

Tanya with her friend, Nat Beecroft

Mark and Nat Beecroft, and Tanya and Errol

Sharon and Kahlia




Kahlia .. Sharon .. Tanya



On Stage



The Song





video address - http://www.ronebergcairns.com/2009onwards/general2009_1759.flv


