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of Cairns Index" page)
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Family Index" page)
------Anthony's Albumn
Our Wedding Day
Stella on our Wedding Day
Here we are cutting the Wedding
The Bridal Party - including
Stella's brothers and sisters - plus John and a very young Gavin
Stella at Geoff's 21st Birthday
party - 3rd April 1970
Christmas and New Year card
- from Stella and Emiel - December 2003
Brett was selected
into the Australian team to contest The 2005 Baseball World Cup
These were held in Holland (Netherlands) during September 2005
Stella and Simone arranged to meet Brett during the Championships
Eindhoven - Sunday 11th September 2005
HERE to go to the photo albumn
They also went out to lunch
before Brett returned to Australia
Rotterdam - Tuesday 13th September 2005
HERE to go to the photo albumn
NOTE - this photo taken on Tuesday 14th January
Rest In Peace, Stella
Geoff, Sharon, Tanya and Brett
Cairns Queensland Australia
Phone call between Geoff and
Note from Geoff
One "special" photo for you ... love from us

Note from Simone
OMG ... she looked beautiful and happy !!
Thank you for this ... no words ... so grateful
Note from Geoff
Your Mum !!
Note from Simone
Yes !!
Of course I don't know the whole story but that doesn't matter
Hope with all my heart that I may meet you one day
Note from Geoff
Just one more of The Bride

Note from Geoff
Hi again, Simone
These photos will make you sad ... but maybe, just a "little
bit happy" too
One day, when you are ready, click on THIS
LINK to see a few photos, which include the two above
( the above link is to this page )
BUT ... at the bottom of the page there are links to some 'very
special' shots
Please feel free to copy and use any of these how you like ...
they are "yours"
Remember, as I said on the phone, just sit and talk with her and
It really helps ... Sharon and I know that
Note from Simone
Thank you ... and I will

Note from Brett to Geoff
Did Stella pass away ??
Note from Geoff
Yes, yesterday in her sleep ... heart attack
I have been talking to Simone today ... was going to tell you
There are photos of you with them on THIS
( the above link is to this page )
Note from Brett