(Return to "The Roneberg's of Cairns Index" page)
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------Stella's Albumn
------Anthony's Albumn
Simone was born in Adelaide on the 1st May 1973
She and Geoff did not have any contact until August 1996 when Simone rang from Holland
This was just a brief phone call, and it was not until 2003 that contact was again established
The Story
On Wednesday 26th November 2003, Geoff was using the 'Google Search Engine' while browsing the internet
Searching under the name "Roneberg", a site came up that was written in Dutch
This site was a Message/Discussion Board for Siamese cat owners, and Simone had participated in the Forum
Everything was written in Dutch, but Simone's name, along with an email address, were listed
Not knowing who was going to receive the email, or even if the address was still current, Geoff sent this:-
----------Is this Simone Roneberg???
And this reply came back:-
----------Yes, this is Simone Roneberg
----------How are you????
----------Saw your home page
----------Nice fotos
----------Don"t really know what to say now, but hope to hear from soon
----------Greetings from Simone Roneberg and a Siamese cat JOEY
The family had remained in Adelaide before moving to Queensland in 1976, and then returned to Holland in 1987
Simone now lives in Uden
(Saturday 28th August 2004 - phone call from Stella and Simone - Simone has moved from Uden - do not know her new address)
click on the image for maps of Holland and the Uden area
She lives in a "nice flat above the shopping stores in the city, real close to pubs, restaurants and we also have three discos"
Simone works in a restaurant, The Tante Pietje
(Saturday 28th August 2004 - refer to above phone call - flat and work details no longer applicable))
Joey is part of the family, and Simone has had him for fifteen years
Photo Albumns
Simone and Moes
Tante Pietje - the restaurant where Simone works - includes five photos and a link to their web site
Christmas 2003 - the email card we sent to Simone, Moes and Joey
New Years 2003/4 - cards to and from Simone and Moes - click here to go to the "New Years" albumn
A card Sharon made for Simone and Moes - included two photos and some of Brett's baseball cards - January 2004
"Thinking of You" card from Simone - Monday 12th January 2004
"Hi" card sent to Simone - Sunday 18th January 2004
Postcard from Simone - the Tante Pietje Brasserie, which is where Simone works - Wednesday 21st January 2004
"Bikini Girl" fun-card from Simone - Monday 2nd February 2004
Brett was selected into the Australian team to contest The 2005 Baseball World Cup
These were held in Holland (Netherlands) during September 2005
Stella and Simone arranged to meet Brett during the Championships
Eindhoven - Sunday 11th September 2005
CLICK HERE to go to the photo albumn
They also went out to lunch before Brett returned to Australia
Rotterdam - Tuesday 13th September 2005
CLICK HERE to go to the photo albumn
Monday 4th May 2015 ... Geoff to Simone
And hello to you, Simone
But maybe I should write this ... GELUKKIGE VERJAARDAG !! ( hope that's right !! )
Trust you had a great celebration and got lots of presents !!
Thanks for your phone message
Your words and thoughts were so very nice
I am not going to write very much now but will send another note next week
Why ?? ... there are three devasting days coming up
the Third "Ride for Tanya" is being held ... a very emotional but lovely Tribute by her friends
that is Mother's Day ... so sad for both Tanya's Mum and her Brother
is the 11th May 2015 and that marks two years since Tanya Mary was murdered by a fucking drunk driver
Tanya is here every day though ... she is in our thoughts and lives and she always will be
As I said, will write again soon
Our best wishes to you and yours
Love, Geoff
UPDATE ... and CLICK HERE to go to the albumn covering the "Three Days in May" mentioned above
Friday 9th October 2015 ... Geoff to Simone
Hi to you, and "thanks" for the note
Sharon and I are doing okay
The days, weeks and months pass by ... and, and being honest, some are awful
Like in exactly a month from today it is Tanya Mary's Birthday
It is a Big One ... #40 !!
And as Sharon tells people, she would have celebrated for a month !!
We will visit with her in a couple of "Special Spots" ... and maybe have some Cake as well !!
I am still a "Smoker / Drinker" and Sharon is still a "CrossFitter" !!
Brett is as 'busy-as-ten-men' and spends work time in Cairns, Darwin and Brisbane
He really enjoys the position he has, and may move to Brisbane on a semi-permanent basis for a few months
The Cairns Baseball League Grand Finals are on Sunday
and his team are playing for the Premiership ... they will win, too !!
Earlier this year he received a - VERY SPECIAL HONOUR - CLICK HERE
Thanks again for thinking of us ... and our very best wishes to you and yours
Geoff and Sharon
Thursday 9th March 2017
Facebook Post by Simone
click HERE to go to Stella's Albumn
and HERE and HERE to see the Brett in Holland Albumns mentioned in this post
Monday 1st May 2017 ... Geoff to Simone
Tuesday 1st May 2018 ... Geoff to Simone
Australia is celebrating someone's Birthday today !!
But why are we sending the same card as was sent last year ??
Well, we are not sure who it is but we like the photo of the girl who is in it !!
And we like the "Prawns and Sesame Seeds and Honey" ... send some over !!
Have a Great Day wherever you are in this Big Wide World
Love and Best Wishes
Geoff and Sharon ... who are still in Trinity Beach Cairns Queensland Australia !!

Wednesday 1st May 2019 ... Geoff to Simone
And "HELLO" to you from Trinity Beach - Cairns - Queensland - Australia
And "YES" ... I have used this card before ... back in 2017 and 2018
So why am I using it again ??
Reason #01 - Love the Photo
Reason #02 - You still haven't sent us a big bowl of Prawns with Sesame Seeds and Honey !!
Have A Great Day !!
Love ... Geoff and Sharon and Tanya and Brett