and also click HERE for his Family History Albumn ... Section #06
Dad was born on 8th April 1908 and died on 11th August 1994
His father was Johann Friedrich August Raneberg and his mother was Sidney Cecil Raneberg (nee Hackett)
With his mother - Dad in military uniform - late 1940 ... nice photo
And another photo of Dad with his mother - again Dad is in full uniform - October 1941 ... nice photo
Dad's sister Lily, his grandmother on his mother's side Rubena Hackett, and his mother
His mother, and sister Nita
Dad with his sister Nita - April 1973
and also click HERE for her Family History Albumn ... Section #06
Mum was born on 1st June 1918 and died on 30th April 2002
Her father was James John Meers and her mother was Louisa Mary Meers (nee Beerworth)
NOTE - all photos have been transferred to the above Family History Albumn
Married on Saturday 6th March 1943
Dad was aged 35, a soldier and his address was "care of AIF"
Mum was 24, a nurse and was living in Hallett
They were married in St Josephs Church, Burra, South Australia
Their father's names were August Roneberg and James Meers
Details on the Wedding
and this page includes - photos of the Bride and Groom
-----------------------------photo of the Wedding Party
-----------------------------photo of the Church
-----------------------------and a full description of the Wedding from The Burra Record
Their Wedding Certificate
During the Second World War - click here to go to this very comprehensive albumn
CAR CRASH !! - Tuesday 23rd December 1952
These reports were published in The Adelaide Advertiser and other papers on Wednesday 24th December 1952, and they give details of the accident which happened the night before
Dad, Mum, John, Terry and Geoff (aged three!!!) were involved
----------... and six other people !!
----------... eleven people in the car !!
----------... where were the seat belts ... probably not invented !!
----------... includes a photo of a well smashed up car !!
----------... and a brief report later saying that everyone was recovering okay
"GIRL DIES IN KNIFE FRAY" - Friday 19th December 1969
This article, plus five more follow ups, were published in the Adelaide Advertiser following this incident, and give complete details through to Wednesday 20th May 1970
Dad, Mum, John, Terry are mentioned in these articles
On Geoff and Sharon's Wedding Day - Saturday 4th January 1975
#01 - Dad and Mum - and Sharon's Parents - with the Bride and Groom!!!
#02 - Mum making good use of the confetti!!! - Dad is on the far left of this photo
#03 - the Bride and Groom with Dad and Mum
In March 1983, Geoff's Dad and Mum came for a holiday in Cairns - click here to go to the albumn
Dad's Family History |
Mum's Family History |
A long time ago!!! - Mum, all dressed up, and looking very nice!!!
A long time ago!!! - a teenage Eileen Veronica Roneberg!!!
During the War years - Mum looking "quite the sort"!!!
During the War years - a New Year's card from Dad to Mum - 1944 into 1945
During the War years - a Christmas/New Year card - from Johnnie to his Daddy - and it includes a lock of his hair!!!
During the War years - Happy Birthday!!! - a card from Mum to Dad
During the War years - "For Honour and for Her" - a card sent from Dad to Mum
During the War years - a Christmas/New Year card - from Mum to Dad - and Mum made a note she was writing it at 7.30am Christmas morning!!!
1946 - approx - a very nice looking young Mother with her baby - who I guess to be John - and a terrific looking car - wish I had that now!!! ..........a fabulous!!
19?? - Dad and Mum dancing - living in Gladstone, South Australia at this time ..........a really nice photo
----------and more photos taken the same evening - two photos ..........nice shots again
1948 - Mum's driver's licence - #213376 - at this time, Mum was 29 years old, married, and living with her family at Fifth Street, Gladstone South Australia - 6th September 1948
1949 - playing on the swings in the park - Dad is nusring Geoff (who is a very cute baby!!!) - and John is around four years old and Terry would be two years of age ..........a great shot
..................this page was built on Tuesday 14th October 2008 ...... and includes "super size" photos!!!
1949 - approx - Dad with Terry, who is a year or two old ..........another nice picture
1970 - Dad presenting Geoff with his "21st Birthday Key" - with Mum looking on - 3rd April 1970
1973 - Dad and Mum in the front yard of the Bishop Avenue home ..........and Dad looking a bit camera shy!!!
1973 - Mum getting ready to so some work in the newly built shade house
1973 - Dad and Mum with Rodney on his wedding day - ready to leave for the church
1974 - Dad, Mum, John, Colleen, Terry, Jenny, Geoff, Sharon, Rodney, Sue, Gavin ... everybody except Brenton!! - nine versions of the photo ..really nice photo
..................this page was built during October 2008 ...... and includes "super size" photos!!!
1975 - Dad looking after the horses - January 1975 ..........and he looks great
1976 - Dad and Mum with their Grand-daughter Tanya - two photos - mid 1976
..................this page was built on Tuesday 14th October 2008 ...... and includes "super size" photos!!!
1977 - Mum with Tanya on her lap - one photo - August 1977
..................this page was built on Tuesday 14th October 2008 ...... and includes "super size" photos!!!
1983 - Mum, taken during a trip to Melbourne Victoria
1984 - Dad presenting Gavin with his "21st Birthday Key" - 17th December 1984
1986 - Dad and Mum - ready for Gavin and Jane's wedding - 27th September 1986 ..........a terrific photo
1986 - Gavin with Dad and Mum on his wedding day ..........another great picture
1986 - Dad congratulating the Bride and Groom - 27th September 1986
1987 - Mum during a trip to the Adelaide Zoo - December 1987
1987 - Sharon, Tanya, Brett and Mum - December 1987
1987 - Dad at home ..........looking old, but very smart!!!
1987 - Mum and Dad - in the sunroom at home - December 1987
1987 - Mum and Geoff - Christmas Day 1987
1987 - Mum watching Tanya and Brett opening presents - Christmas Day 1987
1987 - Grandmother with her grandson Brett - December 1987
1989 - Dad and Mum -two photos taken on Father's Day - September 1989
1989 - Dad - Christmas Day 1989
1990 - Dad - two photos - Christmas Day 1990
1992 - Mum, with Brett and Sharon's Mother - at Adelaide airport - January 1992
1992 - Mum - January 1992
1996 - Mum and Terry went to Victoria to see Brenton in 1996 - on the balcony of Brenton's home
1997 - Brett with Mum - in 1997 - and Brett is just a fraction taller!!!
199? - Dear old Mum
2001 - Mum with two of her grandchildren, Kate and Adam - January 2001
2001 - Tanya and Mum - July 2001
2002 - Four generations!!! - Mum, with Terry, his daughter Trudy, and her baby Monice Jade - two photos
John Andrew Roneberg - 8th April 1908 to 11th August 1994
Eileen Veronica Roneberg - 1st June 1918 to 30th April 2002
and click here for the details of Mum's Funeral Service
North Brighton Cemetary - Adelaide South Australia
Dad and Mum - "Together Forever" - numerous photos and details
page updated on Monday 1st June 2015 and Wednesday 1st June 2016
and Thursday 1st June 2017 and Sunday 12th May 2019
and Saturday 1st June 2019
North Brighton Cemetary - Adelaide South Australia
Brett and Kahlia's visit during December 2011
