(Return to "Sharon + Tanya + Brett at the Baseball ------ 08-09-2019" albumn)
Queensland Police Service
** there are six photos and one Facebook Post below **
Wednesday 18th September 2019
Message from Cary Coolican
Queensland Police Service
Good afternoon, Sharon and Geoff
Thank you very much for your patience with us regarding the Banner
and I’m glad all went well at the unveiling
I know our local police are very supportive of your efforts
Inspector Newton was very appreciative of the invitation to support this initiative
Please see the link to the article which can be shared on your social media sites
Or click HERE to read or download a 'pdf' format copy
Kind Regards

there are enlargements of these photos further below

[ notes to/from Kath Hadleigh follow the two photos below ]
Geoff to Kath Hadleigh
Good Morning to you, Kath
There is a post on both Sharon's and Tanya's Pages
I tagged you in one of the Comments
Just want to make sure you see it
Sounds like a Terrific Day back in 2013 !!
We Miss Our Girl
Hello to you
I've been flying all over the state so just saw your Posts and Message
Yes, it was a lovely day
Tom is not on Facebook anymore
Last I heard he was living in remote New Zealand
I think Lisa got married and is also in New Zealand
I miss Tanya too and love seeing all your posts !!
She was such an amazing person !!
Still can't believe she's not here !!
Thank You, Kath
A Beautiful Note !!
So glad you saw Sharon and Tanya in the article