Tanya + Postcard View
three photos |

Errol + Postcard View
two photos |
I woke up before Errol and peeked out the
window to see what the day was like
The snow that had been falling overnight had kept falling and
it was beautiful, stunning, exquisite etc. etc !!
I went back to bed and then when our alarm went off I told Errol
I had something to show him and made him close his eyes
I pulled the curtains back and said that he could open them up
... and he was as blown away as I was !!

Arround the Resort
two photos |

Very Busy !!
one photo |

Beautiful .. Stunning .. Exquisite
fifteen photos |

Beautiful .. Stunning .. Exquisite--+--Tanya
six photos |
We got dressed for breakfast and ran around
outside taking photos and just enjoyed the beauty of the crisp
Everyone was buzzing at breakfast and couldnt wait to get

The Ski Room
six photos
Snow Boarding on Run
and each video includes high intensity fast paced competition
Errol and I did some more boarding ... it
was a bit harder to board in all the snow but once we got used
to the snow it was great ... and didnt hurt as much when
we fell down !!
I finally got on my toe side too and was really feeling good
Then it was in for lunch before our big afternoon of boarding
NOTE - read Tanya's notes just below these
thumbnail images before looking at the photos

Ready to Conquer the Mountain
Gavin .. Hugh .. Tanya .. Michelle .. Errol .. Erin .. Trevor
.. Jane
two terrific photos

Tanya .. Errol .. Hugh
one photo |

Tanya .. Gavin .. Hugh
Errol .. Trevor .. Erin
one photo |

Errol .. Tanya
one photo |

Jacket full of Snow
one photo |

Injury !!
one photo |
Today was the day we were hitting the big
slope as a group and I was not looking forward to it
I got cranky at everyone who kept saying you will be fine and
its easy ... I was really quite freaked out !!
Anyway, I did it !!
Michelle came up the gondola but didnt come down with us
... she wasnt very confident on the board or the skiis
Jane came too but didnt board ... she had got some snow
shoes and poles and walked down with us ... it was a great idea
and she had a lot of fun
The first corner was very scary and it was quite a thin run at
the start with a big drop but the snow was soft and I did a lot
of it on my butt !!
When the run got wider we mucked around crashing into walls of
snow on purpose leaving our full body prints deep in the snow
At the very last part of the run I followed Erin into some powder
and got well and truly stuck ... it was so soft that I couldnt
get up without slipping but it was fun and I felt like I was
in a cloud !!

Tanya's Dinner
two photos |

Some are .. but not all of them
one photo |

Gavin .. Jane .. Erin .. Tanya
Errol .. Michelle .. Trev .. Hugh
two photos |
I was exhausted after such a big day
The evening/dinner theme was "All Black" but I couldnt
be bothered and it was jeans and a top for me !!
The show that night was 'Magic' and it was fun
Then they put on a special show on in the disco
The staff acted out "52 Movies in 20 Minutes" ... they
did such a great job and it was very, very funny !!
Ben was the star of the show again after being in the magic show
I had sore knees from boarding down the big mountain and spent
an hour in the onsen on my own switching between the hot and
cold bath and I had a lovely time
Didn't sleep too well tonight and I can't work out why ... might
have been nightmares------
CLICK HERE ... to go to DAY #9 ... Wednesday 10th February
2010 |