(Return to "Our Home in Mahogany Village Trinity Beach" albumn)


June 2008---to---September 2010

Brett's Unit in Mahogany Village
Trinity Beach

Trench along the Rear Wall

Brett purchased this unit during June 2008 and click here for the complete details
During July trenches were dug along both the front and rear walls
On inquiring about them, he was told that these were being dug in an effort to keep water away from the unit's exterior walls
and the procedure being used involved bitumen paint, plastic sheeting and gravel and is similar to that discussed in
this brochure
It seems a "bandaid" type treatment and a better way would be to relandscape the gardens so they are sloping away from the unit
but the Body Corporate would not consider this as the costs were too high ... will it prove to be a "false economy" ??
The photos now tell the rest of the story ......


NOTE - there are seventeen large photos on this page and it may take a few extra seconds to completely download


Saturday 5th July 2008

Here is the trench along the rear wall and this shot was taken soon after it was dug
You can see that it didn't go along the full length, stopping at the tap / drain near the rear patio
Nothing further was done ...... and the weeks and months went by


Monday 24th November 2008

Brett wanted to use the tap,
and as there was not a drain dug between it and the patio, he cleaned up and landscaped the area as shown below


Tuesday 20th January 2009

As mentioned above, time dragged on and the wet season rains came and filled up the trench
The situation was worse than before as the water was being held against the foundations and walls


Friday 22nd January 2010

Another twelve months has now gone by ... numerous approaches had been made to the Body Corporate to have the job finished
All that happened during that time was the trench being extended from the tap up to the patio
It's now the wet season again, and the rains came and once more the trenches were filled to the top


Thursday 11th February 2010

A month after the rains finished an "escape drain" was dug
which allowed the water to flow to the creek at the back of Brett's unit and this worked very successfully


Saturday 28th August 2010

After sitting for another six months with nothing happening,
Geoff and another guy who is on the Body Corporate Committee gave the trench a good heavy coat of bitumen
This had to be left to dry for seven days and then the trench was lined with plastic sheeting and filled with gravel
Geoff and Sharon did this work and the photos below show the result
and you'll see that the "escape drain" was left in place and this should keep the trench permanently dry


Thursday 2nd September 2010

As shown in these shots, a bit more work was done around the "escape drain" including lining the bottom with paving blocks


Saturday 18th September 2010

Following a request to the Body Corporate,
permission was granted to lay the pavers between the two adjoining patios and the area was then covered with gravel
Again Geoff and Sharon did the work and supplied the pavers, and the shot below shows how it was starting to look

Saturday 18th September 2010


It looks great


should be very effective
in draining water away from the unit



there is a 'super-size' photo below


Wednesday 22nd September 2010


Displaying a Maiden Hair Fern



there is another 'super-size' photo below


Saturday 25th September 2010


As the two photos below show, the sides and bottom have now been lined with pavers
This will stop any erosion and also makes the drain easy to keep clean as leaves and dirt could cause a blockage


