(Return to "Sharon + Tanya + Brett at the Baseball ------ 08-09-2019" albumn)
Brett and Cameron
"Number Retirement"
** there are eighteen photos and six videos and five facebook posts below **
Retiring the number of an athlete is an honor a team bestows upon a player,
usually after the player has left the team, retires from the sport, or dies
Once a number is retired, no future player from the team
may wear that number on their uniform, unless the player so-honored permits it
However, in many cases, the number cannot be used at all
Such an honor may also be bestowed on players who had highly memorable careers,
died prematurely under tragic circumstances,
or have had their promising careers ended by serious injury
Some sports that retire team numbers include baseball, cricket, ice hockey,
basketball, American football, and association football
Retired jerseys are often referred to as "hanging from the rafters" as they are,
literally, put to hang in the team's home arena
Message from Anne Kippin
Hi, Geoff and Sharon
It was my great honour to deliver this address
and I am so happy I managed to do it with minimum blubbering
Love you

Photos ex Geoff
Photos ex Jon Westaway
Geoff to Anne and Alan and Brett
Real Nice Shot Above !!
Reply from Anne
Nice photo of Cam and Brett
Funny Lady !! !! ... nice of the lot of you !!
Reply from Brett
Not bad !!

to watch and/or download this video
duration = Two Minutes Nine Seconds
file size = 39.40mb in 'mp4' format
Large download
I suggest 'right-clicking' on the link and choosing to save the video to your computer
Once downloaded, it will play smoothly without any stopping and starting
"Number Retirement" is introduced by Daniel Del Nido
to watch and/or download this video
duration = One Minute Twenty One Seconds
file size = 24.80mb in 'mp4' format
Large download
I suggest 'right-clicking' on the link and choosing to save the video to your computer
Once downloaded, it will play smoothly without any stopping and starting
Anne Kippin speaks about Cameron as per her speech at the top of this page
to watch and/or download this video
duration = One Minute Fourty Three Seconds
file size = 31.50mb in 'mp4' format
Large download
I suggest 'right-clicking' on the link and choosing to save the video to your computer
Once downloaded, it will play smoothly without any stopping and starting
Anne Kippin speaks about Brett as per her speech at the top of this page
to watch and/or download this video
duration = Fourty Nine Seconds
file size = 15.10mb in 'mp4' format
Anne Kippin's summary of Brett and Cameron's careers
to watch and/or download this video
duration = Fifty Four Seconds
file size = 16.50mb in 'mp4' format
Brett responds ... hugs for Anne ... close of the Ceremony
to watch and/or download this video
duration = Fourty Four Seconds
file size = 13.80mb in 'mp4' format
Brett and Cameron having photos with Anne