(Return to "Workouts during 2018" albumn)
Saturday 12th May 2018
The Workout Warriors
"Session at The Beach"
with Ash Moseley
Note from Ash
We will do a "Workout for Tanya" at the net enclosure at Trinity Beach
That means no joggers and maybe a towel !!
If Russell turns up in budgie smugglers he will have to do double !!
I hope everyone can come along
Reply from Geoff
Sharon and the Husband and "A Kid Named Miss T" will be at the Net Enclosure
Same time of 6.30am ?? ... spotwatch will be there too if needed
I have seen Russell's outfit and it is Spectacular as you can see below !!
Note from Geoff
Workout  ...  Saturday 12th May 2018
and thanks, Ash Moseley, for taking us to the Beach !!
Perfect Morning ... and everyone wore "sensible clothing" !!
The Session Details are below
( ps - why is a 'squat hold' so damn difficult to do )
Thirty are below ... after the Workout there was a bit of "fun" Standup Paddle Boarding
But the photographer is whinging and crying ...
#01 - The sun created glare / fuzz and not light
#02 - The sun was behind people and not in front
#03 - Blah, blah, blah !!
#04 - He needs a Bitch Slap !!
So the shots are not real clear and sharp ... but he promises to do better next time !!
Yes, she was there !!
As the last photo below shows, she was swimming around inside the Enclosure
Checking out the 'styles' of everyone ... Michelle, what is a Dog Paddle ??
She was very disappointed with her Mother's style / action / form !!
"The Workout"
"Tanya Mary"





