From Brett Hogan
Hi Sharon
Just wanted to let you know you and Geoff will be in our thoughts tomorrow
It doesn't get any easier to deal with loss ... the pain is still there
Lots of love
Reply from Sharon
Thanks, Brett
The pain is definitely there and always will be but I will always try to live a good generous life like My Girl
From Brett
With lots of chocolate and espresso martinis !!
Reply from Sharon
Okay, if you say so !!
From Fiona Pearce
You have been in my thoughts all week
Even more so today and this weekend
I'll give you a call in the next couple of weeks before we head off overseas
Take care
Luv ya
Reply from Sharon
I have the day off today
We went to the beach to watch the sunrise
Bit teary today ... people are so kind and that's what does me in
Brett came for brekky and we are doing the "Tanya Workout" tonight at training
Had to go buy bananas so went on my bike and have detoured to the beach again where I am texting you from now
Look forward to hearing from you soon
Luv ya too !!
From Anne Kippin (FLOWERS)
Are you at work today ??
Thinking of you both
Reply from Sharon
Nah ... home today
Just taking it easy ... beach this morning and then Brett came for breakfast
Bit teary of course ... people are very kind
From Neela Buraczewski
Hi Sharon
Thinking of you all today
I'll see you tomorrow
God bless you all
Reply from Sharon
Thanks, Neela
From Julie Abraham
"A mother instinctively protects her child
A grieving mother instinctively protects her child's memory"
Love, JA
Note from Sharon to Sheree Ottaway (FLOWERS)
Hi Sheree
We went to the beach before training today and some lovely person had left a bunch of flowers !!
Thanks so much
Reply from Sheree
I started to drive away from Plaque then did a u-turn, went back and did The Stairs and a bit of a walk on the track up there
Felt good after doing it ... although I had 'jelly legs' afterward !!
Have been thinking of you all day
Reply from Sharon
Good girl ... and 'jelly legs' are good too !!
From Bethany Greene
Hi Sharon ... thinking of you, Geoff and Brett today
Hope today is a day full of fond memories of your beautiful girl
Reply from Sharon
Thank you, Bethany
We went to the beach to watch the sunrise
It was beautiful … feel very close to Tanya down there
I always have fond memories of my girl … that's how I can keep going
Lots of love to you
From Andria Rowe
Hi Sharon … thinking of you all day today
It's odd for me because it's a terrible date, but absinthe birthday of a dear friend's gorgeous son
So I have mixed emotions every 11th of May
I look at pics an cry, but also remember beautiful times I had with your gorgeous daughter
Like Marilyn, she will always be young and beautiful
Again, thinking of you on this worst of dates
Reply from Sharon
Thank you, Andria
It is the date that gets me too … I hate it when it is approaching and I hate it when it arrives
I can understand you mixed emotions
We did have an okay day
Went down the beach to watch the sunrise … it was stunning !! … and then Brett came for breakfast
This afternoon we did the "Tanya Workout" at training
I do have wonderful memories of Tanya and I feel lucky to have them and, yes, she will be like Marilyn !!
I am glad you have lovely memories too
And sometimes you do just have to have a cry
Lots of love to you
From Gloria
Dear Sharon
I'm glad I saw you this morning … my first day here !!
I wish you courage and strength to get through the next few days
I'm sure the "Ride for Tanya" will be a success
Take care and thinking of you
Reply from Sharon
Thank you, Gloria
I am glad you were there too
If you have time on Saturday morning, pop downstairs and watch the cyclists arrive … around 8.30am
Talk soon
From Lesley Richards
Hi, and thinking of you all today
Great sunrise here … perhaps Tanya and Grandpa painted it together !!
Reply from Sharon
Thanks, Lesley
We were down the beach this morning to watch the sunrise and it was beautiful !!
I like to think of Tanya in Heaven catching up with Grandma and Grandpa
From Brenton Roneberg
Hope all goes well and your hearts are not too heavy
Reply from Geoff
Yesterday was pretty damn tough but a lot of friends made sure that they were around ... Terrific People !!
The "Ride for Tanya" is always very emotional but again people are there to support us
It goes right past the site and Tanya's Ghost Bike and that is where I wait while Sharon and Brett lead the riders on the twenty kilometre journey to Trinity Beach
Sunday, Mother's Day, will be quiet and spent with Brett
Thanks for the Note
From Brenton
It would be good to take away just a little bit of your pain and suffer it myself
Terry will be visiting shortly as he does most Fridays
On Sunday the grave at Brighton will be visited by Dylan and I and flowers will be left ... we do that each Mother's Day and her Birthday
Dylan's aunt, who lives in Perth, is most unwell at ninety two years old ... she may pass away soon
We have a neighbour who is ninety three years old and we take his paper to him each morning and manage his rubbish bins
Reply from Geoff
Yeh, and tell Terry to get a Facebook Page !!
Say "hello" to Mum from all of us ... and yes, to Dad too
Best Wishes to You All
Brighton Cemetery - Click Here
From Jacqui Searson
So ... I've been thinking about you and Tanya heaps with the 11th fast approaching and I was wondering how I could celebrate the life of such a Beautiful Girl from here in Thailand
I checked in to our hotel ... and I go outside to our balcony and I see the Flowers and realise I didn't have to do anything
A little piece of Tanya is Right Here !!

Reply from Sharon
You have got to be kidding !!
How perfect ... I love it !!
Tanya would love that you thought of us and sent us this gorgeous photo
You know it is a sign !!
From Jacqui
That's exactly what I said when I walked out on the balcony !! ... Victoria got goosebumps !!
Love you guys
Reply from Sharon
Have fun over there !!
Note from Geoff to Tom Lee
Hi to you, and I hope the link to the Underwater Photos I included in the Comments Section of Tanya's Post this morning brought back same Special Memories
She was "Over The Moon" with Excitement !!
Geoff and Sharon ... and " T "
Underwater Photos - Click Here
Reply from Tom
Hi Sharon
What a lovely day we had shared !!
So grateful for the memories I have !!
From Karen Turner
Hi Sharon and Geoff ... thinking of you both today and often of course
I've never wasted much time thinking or being angry at the person who did this
Of course I thought his sentence should have been longer
But today I felt angry
I wondered if he remembered today
Is it just another day for him ?? ... has he forgotten ?? ... or is he tortured by this every day ... I even looked him up on Facebook
I know you have both felt this way too and that there is no point dwelling on it
I know Tanya would want us to remember the good times and not focus on the how
But it's just not fair !!
Reply from Geoff
Oh, Karen, I agree with all you have written !!
These are exactly my thoughts ... It's Just Not Fair
Thank you for your thoughts ... Geoff ... and Sharon will add a bit more later
Reply from Sharon
I, too agree with everything you have written, Karen
I do my best to remember the good times and not think about how f%$#@n unfair it is !!
I am trying to live as she would want me to and we get through with the help of Tanya's friends who we know loved her and that helps more than I would ever have thought possible