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Tuesday 5th January 2010-----and-----Tuesday 15th June 2010

CrossFit Program

This program starts with a lap around the outside of the fence on Diamond Two

Back to the Baseball Canteen area, each participant is required to complete

10 x Kettle Ball Swings
10 x Box/Tyre Jumps
10 Wall Balls
followed by another lap of the Diamond

This Exercise Set was completed five times

Results ... January 2010

NOTE #01 - Andria, Sharon, Brett and Kahlia went off first followed two minutes later by Ritchie, Louis and Tanya
and the times shown have been adjusted for this delayed start

Results ... June 2010

NOTE #01 - due to the location of the new crossfit equipment storage shed, the "work-and-finishing" area is now near the
grandstand and spectator area of Diamond Two and this meant a slighter shorter run between each set of exercises
... but not that much of a difference

NOTE #02 - looking again at the program details above, I feel sure that in January the routine finished with a final lap around
the diamond ... this was not done today and could be part of the reason for the improvements in times ... but not the only reason !!
... everybody is fitter, eh !! ... for example, even if Tanya did another lap, she would still have been ahead of her January result
... and even "The Shuffler" had over three minutes to spare !!

NOTE #03 - Tanya wrote overnight saying that she felt the session should have finished with a run ... and now she'll probably be
'punched out' by the others !! ... have to wait and see what "Commander Ritchie" says the next time this routine is done

NOTE #04 - no records were kept for January, but you can bet that five kilo medicine balls and eight kilo kettle balls were used
and it's great to see that no-one used them today !! ... and that everyone completed the exercises with very good techniques


Sharon Kettle Ball x 20 kilo
Medicine Ball x 8 kilo
25 minutes 30 seconds Difference = 3 mins 10 secs
squeaked a bit !!
Tanya Kettle Ball x 20 kilo
Medicine Ball x 10 kilo
20 minutes 30 seconds Difference = 5 mins 47 secs
Kahlia Kettle Ball x 16 kilo
Medicine Ball x 8 kilo
21 minutes 00 seconds Difference = 3 mins 04 secs
Andria Kettle Ball x 16 kilo
Medicine Ball x 8 kilo
25 minutes 50 seconds Difference = 4 mins 04 secs
had sore leg / hip
but completed everything !!

