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Tuesday 6th to Sunday 18th November 2007

Australia v Thailand

Played at Shinchuan Stadium on Saturday 10th November 2007

A series of Eleven Photos

Brett pitching for Australia!!!

Note - these are the only photos that were on the disc from the ABF
Each shot is 448 pixels wide


After using seven different pitchers the day before against Venezuela,
it was left up to Australian position players Gavin Fingleson and Brett Roneberg
to take care of the proceeding for the remainder of the evening
Roneberg, who was given the night off from his regular duties at first base,
was particularly amused by the request for him to toe the pitching rubber
“I don’t think I have pitched since under 18’s, except if you count
a couple of times in club ball in Cairns about four year ago” Roneberg said
“My arm feels alright, it just doesn’t really have the strength it used to” he said

Relaxing after a great assignment!!!

Relief pitcher - bottom of the seventh innings
Batter #1 - grounded out to second base (4 to 3)
Batter #2 - grounded out to first base (PO3)
Batter #3 - struck out swinging