NOTE - click on the above panel to return to the "Class Reunion Albumn"


Sharon and her 1960's Classmates --- in 2007

......and Sharon must have been one of the '1960's Rebels'
as here she is in the midst of students and still giving the finger sign!!!

A note from Sharon
We all sang the School Hymn - "Gaudeamus Igitur"
We were all amazed that we still knew the words - which are Latin!!
We only sang the first verse thankfully!
It was quite a rousing rendition!
Click here to hear a version of the Hymn along with a copy of the lyrics
The above page also includes a copy of the translation
I am sure I had no idea what the translation was at the time
Some of the translations of the other verses are very interesting!!
A little later a few of us sang - "Boomeracka Boomeracka Bish Boom Bah"
We sang that song on Sports Days!

(four variations of two photos)
