Played a total of 49 innings
At bats - 14
Hits - 7 (6 x singles, 1 x double)
Batting average - 0.500!!! (pretty damn
Slugging average - 0.571
Walks - 11
Strike outs - 2
Runs scored - 12
Runs batted in - 4
Stolen bases - 8
Put outs - 35
Assists - 13
Errors - 7
Fielding average - 0.872
Innings caught - 18.2
and during those innings I had 10 passed
balls, and 47 runners stole bases!!!
BUT I also got 2 runners!!! (somehow!!! - they must have fallen
Innings pitched - 24.1
and pitched to 189 hitters
Hits - 58
Strike outs - 17 (how could anyone let themselves
be struck out by me!!!)
Walks - 37
Wild pitch - 10
Balk - 1
Threw 302 strikes and 321 balls
Runs scored - 96, and 57 of these were earned runs!!!
and that resulted in a "bloody awful"
earned run average of 21!!! (just a touch high!!!)