(Return to "Geoff's 2020" albumn)


"The Bottom Row Of Teeth"
January through to August 2020
Note from Geoff to "The Workout Warriors"
We wouldn’t laugh at you, Geoff, with your missing tooth
I don’t like visiting the dentist either but always thankful and relieved afterwards

Thanks, Michelle !! ... but I think Russell would !!
Now have an appointment on Monday to get things started
PS - why hasn't anyone yelled at Sharon for being a Bloody Bully ??

If you still come to training, Geoff, don’t smile ... we won’t know any difference !!

I'm the one who punched Geoff’s teeth out !!
Lots of rain about and the fields will be wet
Will we do an undercover or beach workout today ??
Or do our own thing tonight ??

Pissing Rain at Trinity !!
Workout Cancelled !!
Everyone go to Maccas !!
Tuesday 28th July 2020
Note from Geoff to "The Workout Warriors"
8.00am Tomorrow Morning ( Tuesday )
Above = Geoff having a very friendly chat with the Dentist !!
Yes, I am going ... haven't "chickened out" again
But got to admit ... I am bloody scared !!
And yeh, Michelle ... I know ... "Don't Worry, Be Happy" !!

Reply from Chris
Geoff, you will be fine
Have faith ... it will be all done before you know it !!

Reply from Geoff
Thanks, Chris ... and I'll have the Wife and Son with me

Reply from Michelle
They will be all the protection you need !!
You will be glad when it’s all done and dusted
All the best ... will be thinking of you in the morning, Geoff

Reply from Geoff
Thanks, Michelle ... Nice Words !!

Reply from Russell
So will it be 'The Gummy Timekeeper' on Thursday !!
Hope all goes well, Geoff

Reply from Geoff
Thanks, Russell
New plate has been made and will go in as the rotten ones come out !!
Yeh, probably miss the Workout tomorrow but will be there Thursday


Note from Kerry to Sharon
Hi, and I hope your evening is okay with anticipation for tomorrow
Sending Geoff great vibes !!

Reply from Sharon
Thank You !!

Note from Gavin to Geoff
Wishing you all the best for the 28th !!
Hope things go great !!

Reply from Geoff
Thanks A Million ... have been assured they will
But still bloody scared !!

Note from Melissa to Geoff
Hi, Geoff
Sending you best wishes for today
Behave yourself and do as you're told
You'll be eating eye fillet steak in no time !!
No need for those Mac Burgers !!

Reply from Sharon
Thanks, Melissa
We have just arrived at the Hospital now
All be done before we know it !!

Note from Geoff to Mary Kirk
We have a shitty time coming up on Tuesday
!! - ME - !!
Having all my bottom teeth out and a plate put in
My fault 'cause I didn't look after them properly
With my emphysema and going under an anesthetic, I am really, really scared to death
Here's Hoping !!

Reply from Mary
So sorry to hear that
Big thing to contemplate
I am sure that you are approaching it bravely
I hope Sharon is spoiling you this weekend

Reply from Geoff
Yes and Yes Again!!
We are having Beautiful Big Macs and Beautiful Fries and Beautiful Ice Cold Coke on Monday Night !!


Note from Sharon to "The Workout Warriors"
Geoff is out of surgery !!
All went very well !!
But he and I won’t be there tonight !!

Reply from Michelle
Great to hear !!

Reply from Russell
That’s great ... good to hear !!
See you Thursday !!

Reply from Rhiannon
That’s great !!
See you both on Thursday

Reply from Chris
Great news, Sharon !!
Good to hear !!

Friday 31st July 2020 - to "The Workout Warriors"
Report on Sharon
Came home from work and sneezed 12,873 times and then went to bed
Poor Gir !! ... her whole body shakes when these sneezes start !!
Report on Geoff
Still the Gummy Bear !!


Note from Sharon to Brett
On our way home ... still bleeding a bit !!

Reply from Brett
Yuck !! ... Thanks for that !!

Sharon to Brett
Ha Ha !!

Note from Brett
Well done, Dad
Easy as !!

Note from Brett to Sharon
Everything good at home ??

Reply from Sharon
Yes, all good !!
Looks like the bleeding has almost stopped and still no pain at all !!
His teeth have been in all this time
Going to take them out to sleep
And he is having tomato soup for dinner tonight through a straw as per their suggestion !!

Reply from Brett
He’s not supposed to take them out for five days

Reply from Sharon
Dentist said if they move too much, which is very common with lower dentures, to take out to sleep
They may have to be pinned at a later date ... depending on how they settle

Reply from Brett
Hmmmmm ... okay then
Message from Brett on Wednesday
How is everything this morning ??

Reply from Sharon
I am about to get up
Dad has been up for a couple of hours
He had a good night and slept well
Will text you again soon

Reply from Brett
No need ... just asking

Reply from Sharon
I am amazed !! ... he is as fit as a fiddle except for the loose denture plate !!
The dentist is calling us later this morning
PS ... I am going into work at lunch time


Note from Fiona to Sharon
How is Your Man going ??

Reply from Sharon
All went very well !!
His new teeth are in ... still bleeding a bit
There is no pain at all 'cause he is still numb
But we have been told that could change overnight
We were given a prescription for drugs to help with that !!

Note from Sharon to Kerry
Came through it all with flying colours !!
New teeth are in !!
A little bleeding still
No pain at the moment but that should kick in later !!
We have drugs though !!

Reply from Kerry
Fantastic !!

Note from Gavin to Sharon
So, how it go ??

Reply from Sharon
Came through very well !!
Nearly all bleeding has stopped
He has the new dentures in ... they move a bit and may take a while to settle down
No pain at all
But we have been told that the next few days might be a bit rough
We have drugs for that !!
I am amazed how well he has been today !!

Reply from Gavin
That is great news to hear !!
Use the drugs as needed I say
Tell him a "BIG HI" from me !!
Hope you’re all going good otherwise

Reply from Sharon
I will and thanks
Note from Angela Westaway to Sharon
I hope Geoff survived yesterday’s dental ordeal
And is recovering quickly
Big hugs !!

Reply from Geoff
Thanks, Angela ... and it is Geoff writing
Yesterday went perfectly
Twenty minutes in the operating thearre and it was all over !!
I have not had any pain at all, not a single bit !!
Only hassle is that the new dentures are very loose but apparently this is very common with the bottom set
Just have to wait a week or two for them to be reset, moulded, etc
And, yes, I look much better too without all those horrible looking black things in my mouth !!
Thanks for writing !!
Reply from Angela
Oh, I’m so pleased
See, all that stress for nothing and now your even more handsome !!

Note from Gavin
How’s the patient going ??

Reply from Geoff
There are Two Patients here !!
Lots of blossom aroung Cairns
Combined with heaps of back-burning
Hay Fever and the poor girl is sneezing a thousand times a day
Lower dentures are a shit ... as you'll read if you look on Google
Having big trouble keeping them in my mouth ... again as per Google
Having hassles eating ... really, it is just very small pieces and then swallow without chewing
Cannot make any adjustments until the gums heal ... and that's going to be a week or ten days
But That Is Life!!

Reply from Gavin
Doesn’t sound good at all, mate ... for either of you !!
Hang in there !!

Note from Kerry to Sharon
How is the patient going ??

Reply from Sharon
Still not a ounce of pain but the denture is loose and doesn’t stay put
And apparently that is very common with lower dentures
We have to wait til it heals then go to the guy who made the dentures to realign and get it settled
A week or two of soft food !!

Reply from Kerry
That's great ... he will have swelling which can change how the denture sits
I will start prep for a "Roast Pork and Cracking Dinner" in near future ... LOL
Ha Ha !!
Note from Mary Kirk
How did the surgery go ??
Happy with the outcome ??

Reply from Sharon
All went well !!
Just have to wait for everything to heal properly and the lower dentures to be fitted properly
Had no bad pain at all to date
So all good !!

Reply from Mary
Wonderful to hear !!
Note from Gail
How did your husband go with his teeth ??

Reply from Sharon
Well, they are out and he survived the operation
But still in a fair bit of pain
He has to wait a week or two for everything to heal
And then get the dentures fitted properly
Soft Foods only for now !!
Note from Kerry to Sharon
Hi, and how's Geoff going with the new teeth ??

Reply from Sharon
We are going to the Denture Technician on Friday for some adjustments
He is in a bit of pain with the dentures in at the moment
And he's getting sick of soft food and soup !!

Reply from Kerry
Okay, and good luck with the adjustments
Mac's is soft food !!
But I guess KFC is not ... unless he likes the mashed potatoes and gravy !!
Friday 14th August 2020
Note from Geoff to Brett
... and "LOOK" at the photo above !!
Yes !! ... I can now wear both the top and bottom sets
Lots and lots of adjustments were made by the Denture Technician
He explained that they will feel "unusual" for a while
At times there is a tiny bit of pain ... but mostly nothing
Gotta say I am Pretty Damn Happy about this !! !!

Reply from Brett
Good to hear !!
Glad they are finally feeling good
Photo for Facebook, I think !!

Reply from Sharon
Dad says he is too ugly and old for Facebook !!
Friday 14th August 2020
"The Workout Warriors"
Looks unreal, Geoff !!
Or is that Elvis ?? !! ??

Wow !! ... looks amazing, G !!
Very handsome !!

Now can you get the rest worked on

Reply from Geoff
Michelle is a Nice Person !!
Chris is a Nice Person !!
Russell is "NOT" a nice person !!




