(Return to "Sharon's 65th Birthday albumn - Thursday 22nd August 2019")

Messages and Cards from Friends

Chris Keir
To our Beautiful Friend !!
Hope you have a lovely day

Thank you, Chris - you are too kind
And I am being very spoilt !!



Message to Rita
Hi to you, Rita, and all the Staff at SMSF Strategic Advisors
THANKS for the Birthday Card !!
The first photo below shows the Scratchie you also sent
The second shows the result ... A  FREE  TICKET !!
The third shot is of that free ticket
And number four is the ticket all scratched !!
Nothing !!
But It Was A Bit Of Good Fun !!
Thanks Again !!

Reply from Rita
You have made my day !!
One of these days someone will win !!
Sorry it was sent late






