
Sentencing Date

Thursday 22nd May 2014



(Return to "TANYA - Our Beautiful Daughter and Sister" Index Page)



Notes on the Court Proceedings


? why isn't Tanya allowed to speak ?


Victim Impact Statements

Today there was an "emergency" court hearing concerning these statements submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions by Sharon and myself

Can you imagine the heart-wrenching pain that writing these caused

Sharon, Tanya Mary's Mother, having to put into words what her Daughter meant to her
But she did it ...... over many, many nights filled with tears and terrible deep despair
I have read her statement and I am so very proud of her
It was "passed" for reading at the Sentence Date

I am completely devasted by what happened to my Daughter
Sure, we had our fights and disagreements, but we had so much fun and she, Sharon and Brett are my life
I decided to write my statement as a message from Tanya to her family and friends
It doesn't contain anything about the incident or the court case ...... just a 'sad hello' from Tanya
It was "not passed" for reading at the Sentence Date
The defense argued that because she is not here, this statement can only be taken as "heresay"
Why isn't she here !!
Our poor little kid ... I get so angry and full of hatred and vengeance when Tanya is spoken about in this way

Neither of us could believe that the final approval for these statements must come from the DEFENSE !!

Sharon's statement, her innermost feelings and grief,
could not be read until "this person's" legal team gave their approval

We thought they would be kept private and just read on the day ... the legal system is ludicrous

I made notes during today's hearing, and for those in the profession, the legal gobbly-gook is included here:-
"Victims of Crime Assistance Act ... Section 5 and Section 15 (3)" ... and I hope I copied down correctly

I do not care about that ... I just wanted Tanya Mary to have a "Little Voice" in amongst all this legal garbage that goes on

What amazed us also was that when the judge walked into the courtroom, he stated that he had not even read our statements and his staff had to run around to find a copy

Sharon's statement is not included here as I don't know what legal technicalities might occur if I published it here
Mine / Tanya's is ... and you'll see there is nothing but deep sadness in it

I was told I could rewrite it and not use the third person as Tanya ... I said no !!
I will carry a copy and read it to myself a hundred times during the hearing next Thursday

Worse is yet to come
We have been told what sort of sentence "this person" will probably be given ...... think in the "very, very minimum" of time scales


Love you so much, Tanya Mary
and we will always be there with you, kid ... you will never be alone

And one day, somehow, there will be True Justice







