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Timber Pedestal

A note from Geoff on Tuesday 10th April 2007

Kath, our next door neighbour Nev's Mother, was moving house
and found she had no place to put this pedestal

So Nev offered it to us --- and we said "Thank You"!!

It matches our lounge room decor prefectly

It's age?? - unsure, but Nev thinks it might be around twenty to thirty years old

Sharon spent a lot of time with a bottle of Furniture Restorer and Polish
and it came up beautifully - as the photos below show

There were also a few paint splatters here and there
and Sharon was also able to remove them

The pedestal stands 67.5cm (26.5 inches) high,
the base is 24cm (9.5 inches) square,
and the dodecagon top (twelve sided) is 24cm (9.5 inches) across

It looks great --- so "Thank You again, Kath"!!



On display in the lounge room


What is going to stand on this Pedestal???

The figurine pictured below was listed on the----Auctions

Sharon says it is exactly the type of object she would like

Standing 450mm (17.5 inches) high, it is titled "The Peacock Dancer"
and was listed as an Art Deco Figurine
The auction ended on Monday 9th April 2007 and the price was $102.50
However, before the auction ended we were able to do some research on the item
and discovered that it is a "Made in China Reproduction" - so we did not place a bid

I am not sure if we will end up buying an object like this, or something completely different,
but whatever it is, we don't want a reproduction --- we want the real thing!!

There are a few Antique Stores in and around Cairns
and we visit these on a regular basis

Something for this pedestal is now on the "things to buy" list!!


!!!--We found something--!!!

Late Victorian Kerosene Lamp

......and click here to have a look