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Wednesday 31st January 2007

Brenton and Dylan's trip to Gladstone

"Dad and Mum's Bank"

Note from Brenton
I know it might seem odd to include this but this was where the Gladstone folk
paid in money anonymously after the family's big car accident in Adelaide

......and there are more "memory-notes" after the photos below - these are from before this trip

(two variations of the same photo)

---which is now---


Online talk between Sharon and Brenton
Does Geoff remember the car crash in Victoria Square?
Is that the one where there was a newspaper article about it?
Yeah, that's it
----------(Note - click here for the newspaper story)
Something that should go into The Family History is recognition of the Gladstone community at the time
Mum would go to the bank and find extra funds in the account
Just deposited anonymously, from people in the town
Also, did you know Mum and the other lady from Gladstone in the car crash had a fight about the article?
I can't remember her name now, but the news article said she was so-many-years-old which was not true as she was about five years younger
She said Mum told them to put an older age in the paper!!
That's funny - lots of intrigue!!
You know our Auntie Winnie actually found a pulse on Dad after he was declared dead that night?
I did not know he was declared dead - thank God for your Aunt!!
He was in the morgue and Winnie went to see him and found the pulse
She was a nurse at Royal Adelaide Hospital then