As far back as I can remember
we waited with great excitement for the Sunday School Anniversary
at the Semaphore Baptist Church
It was a yearly event
Big platforms that went almost to the ceiling were built at the
front area of the church
We all gathered out the front and then marched down the aisles
and up on to the platform
We always marched to the same tune which still gives me goose
bumps today!! - I can hum the tune and hear it in my head, but
I cannot remember it's name!!
My Father conducted these Anniversaries, chose all the songs and
the "anniversary practice" sessions were almost as much
fun as the real thing
Each year we had a new "Sunday Best" dress which my
Mother always made and that was then our best dress for the rest
of the year!
When we left Semaphore and began attending Knightsbridge Baptist,
a Hymn Feste was introduced and it was conducted along the same
lines as Semaphore
I am not sure if Dad had anything to do with starting this but
I suspect he did!!
Platforms were built again and it was great fun
The last Hymn Feste I was involved in (1975) I was very pregnant
with Tanya and I remember I didn't want it to end because I knew
there probably wouldn't be anymore for me - I just wanted us all
to keep on singing!!
On the Hymn Feste record cover below, the picture at the top left
shows me sitting with my Sunday School class
My sister Fiona is to my left with the dark hair
In the main picture, my sister Lesley is on my right
Her husband Jon is standing in front of her - the guy with the
sideboards and moustache
My sister Fiona is behind the lady who is behind me
Her husband Denys is further along the row
We had the most wonderful times at both the Sunday School Anniversaries
at Semaphore Baptist Church and the Hymn Festes at Knightsbridge
Baptist Church