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Our trip to Adelaide - January 1993

Brett was selected into the Queensland Under 14 Baseball Team

and the National Championships were being held in Adelaide South Australia

... so we all flew down to watch and to have a holiday




At the baseball games

Lesley (Sharon's sister), Mum and Geoff watching - Mum had a "bad leg" and had to keep in raised

Sue and Tanya ..........Tanya spent most of her time watching the games through a video camera lense!!! - taped most of Brett's games - SEE BELOW

At Dad and Mum's home

Becky and Jason - two photos


Jason, Gavin, Brett and Tanya ..........each night, after we got home from the baseball games, Tanya would transfer her "day's work" on to a tape - and here we are watching Brett play!!!

Becky, Rodney and Michael

Becky, Jason, Gavin and Tanya ..........and Tanya is very blonde!!!

Out to a restaurant for dinner

Geoff, Michael and Rodney

Tanya, Becky, Jason, Geoff, Brett, Rodney, Amanda and Colleen

Colleen, Michael, Sharon, Tanya and Becky

Tanya, Amanda, Gavin and Sue

Sue, Gavin and Michael

Gavin, and it looks like he's enjoying his dinner!!!


CLICK HERE - Baseball Videos

CLICK HERE - Family Videos


