Just about here!!! - two weeks to go!!!
Sharon, eight and a half months pregnant - January 1979
In his pram and bouncinette - sound asleep!!! - three weeks old - three photos
Still asleep!!! - out in the sunshine - four weeks old
Finally awake!!! - in his pram, rugged up against a Melbourne winter - four months old
Is he just about to laugh or cry??? - four months old
Happy and laughing - but "bald and toothless"!!! - two photos - June 1979
Is now mobile!!! - "crawling stage" - and a great (but still toothless) smile!!! - June 1979
In his highchair out in the yard - is that a grimace or a laugh??? - two photos - July 1979 ..........nice shots
Here he is making a few tentative steps - September 1979