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Saturday 9th November 2013



Cards made by Sharon for four of Tanya's Friends



Karen Turner



Andria Rowe



Jess Shuttleworth

Hi Sharon, and I got your card today
Thank you so much ... I am so touched that you thought of me
I haven't been able to bring myself to read your poem yet
I have been trying not to think about tomorrow all week

Note from Sharon
Poor you ... I know how you feel
The poem is good
I went to the funeral of a man who was at Tanya's Service on Wednesday and his granddaughter read it out
It is a reminder to us to live well

Note from Jess
I really wish I could have been at crossfit this morning
My mum, my sister and I went for a walk along The Strand instead
I finally read the poem last night before I went to bed
I agree, is a great poem and a reminder to value the lives we live
I feel that I have not been as helpful to you and Geoff and Brett and Kahlia and I'm really sorry for that

Note from Sharon
Being Tanya's good friend is what is helpful to us therefore your "job" is done !!



Bethany Knights

Thank you sooo much for my card
It is beautiful ... I cried when I read it
So unfair that she is gone
Tanya was so lucky to have parents like you, Sharon and Geoff
Thank you for your kindness
Sending many many hugs


"The Poem"




