to "TANYA - Our Beautiful Daughter and Sister" Index
Thursday 16th May
... from her Friends"
click HERE to read those from
Geoff and Sharon and Brett
Mark Beecroft
click HERE to read Mark's notes from throughout
the Memorial Service
** this is a six page 'pdf' file
Tammie Thornton
Natalie Beecroft
Bethany Knights
Hi Geoff
I love the many things you've put up on your family website about
I miss her terribly and cannot imagine the grief you, Sharon,
Brett and Kahlia are experiencing
My thoughts are with you all, always
I thought I would email my eulogy to you that I said at the Memorial
... it is attached
The words aren't enough ... it was so hard incorporating
my thoughts, memories and feelings about my special friend into
a compact little speech
I cannot thank you enough for inviting me to speak ... it meant
so much to me
Thinking of you all, and of course thinking about our girl
Andria Rowe
Hi Geoff
Your post on Facebook was very beautiful
My loss can in no way compare to yours, Sharon's and Brett's
but I miss Tanya every day ... every, single day, as do so many
She has left a hole in our lives and our hearts
but I try to think of how much she gave me rather than what was
taken away, and she gave me so much
She was my dear, darling friend and I loved her
How lucky am I to have had such a wonderful friendship ... how
fortunate I had the time with her that I did
I've attached my words at her Memorial Service for you and Sharon
to read over
My experience of that day was that it was beautiful, but just
so emotional that I don't think I took everything in
Also, do you have a copy of the slide presentation that was presented
That was so very lovely and I would very much like to see it again
Thinking of you, Sharon and Brett whenever I think of my darling
friend ... and that is constantly
With much affection ... Andria
Anne Kippin
Ric Doo
Lars Kalland
Tennille Denman
