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This report was published on the Perth Now Website
and covers the first three games of the Taiwan v Australia Series

Perth Heat join mix-match Australia side in Taipei beating

National Baseball Coach Jon Deeble has liked what he's seen in Perth after witnessing a mix-match Australia hand out a beating to Chinese Taipei
A combination-team comprised of players from Perth Heat, the Australian National Team and US and WA teams has claimed two wins and a draw against the Chinese Taipei National Team

“It’s been good so far; everything is going to plan" Deeble said
“Guys like Risinger and Snelling haven’t played for a while so it’s good for them to get out there
Collins, Roneberg, Risinger, Huber and Snelling all swung the bat very well
These guys haven’t played for a while so it’s going to take them a bit to get back into the groove

The Perth Heat players are great also
I thought that Kyle, De San Miguel, Grice, Kelly and Hendriks all were fantastic
Everything has gone fantastically
I couldn’t ask for much more
The weather, the field, everything has been great”

Deeble has been in town watching over his charges in these friendlies as they prepare for the World Baseball Classic campaign which starts in March
A combined US/WA/AUS team took on the Asian visitors for a 9-2 win on Tuesday night and a combined Heat/AUS team played the visitors twice for a 9-7 win and a 1-1 draw on Wednesday and Thursday night respectively

Deeble headed back to Melbourne yesterday to ready himself for his next challenge
“I fly back to Melbourne tonight
I’ve got a function to go to and then I will prepare for the Chinese Taipei series in Melbourne
We then go to Japan for two practice games, then onto Arizona for 8-9 days and then on to Mexico for the World Baseball Classic”

Reports from Taiwanese Newspapers / Web Sites

The name "Roneberg" is mentioned
but that is all I can understand !!
The name "Brett Roneberg" is mentioned
but that is all I can understand !!

NOTE - these links were active as at Saturday 14th February 2009