It is almost eight years since this stamp set
was purchased, so I decided to try to find out the latest details
... along with a valuation
The result of the following emails?? ...... nothing
The emails were sent to Australia Post, Australian Olympic Committee,
and the Philatelic Association ...... and none of these had any
record of this set !!
There were only 1250 produced (Brett's is #168) and from this
you can understand that they are not a 'common' item
But you would think that "somebody-somewhere" would
have some sort of reference to the set !!
The reply from Australia Post/Australian Philatelic Bureau
is very interesting
Yes, it was produced external to Australia Post ... BUT ... the
Certificate of Authenticity (here)
was signed by David Maiden, who at that time was the Manager of
the Philatelic Group at Australia Post ...... and you would think
they would have some sort of record !!
The Philatelic Association were the most likely
to be able to give a valuation ...... but none of their members
have come across the set in the past eight years ...... and this
is very surprising !!
In respect to the reply from the Australian Olympic Committee,
it is again surprising that they have not retained some sort of
list or record of what items were 'officially' produced for the
Sydney Games by the Organising Committee !!
So nothing at the moment !!
All the dates, emails, addresses and names are below ...... and
I will chase it up again in a few years time !!
You will see that the "main/first email" to each contact
is very similar, with just a few minor changes depending upon
who it was being sent to ...... and I attached a couple of photos
to each email and these shots are also included for future reference
On the previous page you will see a link to sales of this set
that appeared on the internet (here)
and I'll continue to check to see if it is listed anywhere again
Finally, I reckon Brett should just hang on to it ...
let the years go by ...... and hope that the value goes
up, up and further up !!
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Friday 11th April 2008
Email to Marilyn Clark
Customer Care Consultant
Australia Post - Australian Philatelic Bureau
Email -
Hi, Marilyn
Attached is the photo of our ... "The Sydney 2000 Olympic
Games Commemorative Stamp Set"
We purchased this during the Olympics after receiving a 'shopping
booklet', the name of which I am sure was The Olympic Store Direct
The size of this presentation is 56cm x 45cm
The price we paid was $421.00
Now, I don't really want a valuation or anything like that
What I would like is all the release information or media notes
that were published when this presentation went on the market
Why?? ... because over the years, all the info I had has been
misplaced !!
I lost it!!
We have no intention of selling it
If you can send me all this detail, I will then print it out,
have it laminated, and then attached to the back of the frame
... don't want to lose it again !!
All our contact details are at the end of this email
Appreciate your help, and look forward to hearing from you
Regards, Geoff
Wednesday 23rd April 2008
Reply from Denise Letran
Marketing Communications Coordinator
Australia Post - Philatelic Group
Email -
Good afternoon, Geoff
I refer to your email received 11th April 2008
"The 2000 Sydney Olympic Games Commemorative Stamp Set"
you are referring to was produced external to Australia Post
In which case, we do not have any media release information regarding
You may wish to try contacting a local stamp dealer by chance
that they could perhaps provide you assistance to your query
You can find them at
I hope this information has been of assistance to you
Kind regards, Denise Letran
Thursday 24th April 2008
Email to Australasian
Philatelic Traders' Association
Email -
Web site -
My name is Geoff Roneberg, and I am the Father of an Olympic Athlete
Brett is a professional baseball player and competed at both the
2000 Sydney and the 2004 Athens Olympics with the Australian Baseball
...... and in Athens Brett and the Team won the Silver Medal !!
There is a shot of Brett with his Medal attached to this note
I mention this to show that my enquiry is "a legitimate one"
Now to my request for some Information
During the Sydney Games, Brett purchased a Stamp Presentation
named ... "The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Commemorative Stamp
Set" ... and a photo of this set is also attached
This was purchased after receiving a "shopping booklet",
the name of which I am sure was "The Olympic Store Direct"
The size of this presentation is 56cm x 45cm
The price we paid was $421.00
Now, I don't really want a valuation or anything like that
What I would like is all the release info or media notes that
were published when this presentation went on the market
Why ?? ... because over the years, all the info I had has been
misplaced !!
I hate to say it ... but I lost it !!
We have no intention of selling it
I have taken on the job of cataloguing all of Brett's Baseball
Memorabilia ... and, as you might realise, there is a lot of it
If you can send me all this detail, I will then print it out,
have it laminated, and then attach it to the back of the frame
... don't want to lose it again !!
I am sure there was information on a "DNA Protection"
that was inbuilt into the set so it could be proved to be genuine
... and other things like that
As a first step, I wrote to Australia Post, and their reply is
below and as you will read, they suggest I contact your Association
----------Wednesday 23rd April 2008
----------Good afternoon Geoff
----------I refer to your email received 17th April 2008
----------The 2000 Sydney Olympic Games Commemorative Stamp Set
you are referring to was produced external to Australia Post
----------In which case, we do not have any media release information
regarding this
----------You may wish to try contacting a local stamp dealer
by chance that they could perhaps provide you assistance to your
----------You can find them at
----------I hope this information has been of assistance to you
----------Kind regards
----------Denise Letran
----------Marketing Communications Coordinator
----------Philatelic Group
----------Email -
I am hoping that some of your Members will know the details on
this set and be willing to sent it on to me
And I am happy to pay any costs that may be involved in researching
this item, printing, etc
Appreciate your help, and look forward to hearing from you
Regards, Geoff
Thursday 24th April 2008
Reply from Gerd Kratzer
Administrative Officer
Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association Inc
PO Box 415 Blackburn Victoria Australia 3130
Tel 0409 123 393 ... Fax (03) 9894 1904
Email -
Web site -
Dear Mr. Roneberg
We have broadcasted your inquiry to all our members and hopefully
someone will have further information for you
Kind regards, Gerd Kratzer
Tuesday 13th May 2008
Reply from Gerd Kratzer
(details as above)
Dear Mr. Roneberg
Despite an extensive broadcast to all our members, I received
only this inconclusive reply from one member
are a number of persons who make up these framed mementos - cricket
purchase items from Australia Post and Dealers - in the past,
I have supplied several of these traders with various items, eg,
signed covers, etc
are assembled, and then marketed in various adverts and on television
did this one I do not know, but I am sure others may know who
the marketers are
this will help
think the enquirer should remember from whom they purchased the
I regret that I cannot help you there any further
I have attached our list of members, and you could try the ones
that have sports memorabilia in their specialities listing
David Kirby (Victoria) comes to mind
Kind regards, Gerd Kratzer
Reference the comment ... "I think the enquirer should remember
from whom they purchased the item"
We do remember !!
Refer to my original email above which was sent to APTA on Thursday
24th April 2008
Wednesday 14th May 2008
Email to David Kirby
David Kirby Sportsworld
PO Box 61 Mount Eliza Victoria Australia 3930
Tel (03) 9787 2124 ... Fax (03) 9787 2124
Email -
Web site -
Hi, and attached are two emails
The first is a note I sent to the Australasian Philatelic Trader's
Association, and the second is the reply from Mr Gerd Kratzer
of that Group
Also, attached to this note are two photos
In Mr Kratzer's reply, he suggests that I contact you ... so that
is what I am doing !!
My email fully explains these photos and the reason for my enquiry
Should you need or require any further details, please contact
And as I mentioned in my note to APTA, I am happy to cover any
costs or expenses that may be involved
Hope you can help, and look forward to hearing from you
Regards, Geoff
Wednesday 14th May 2008
Reply from David Kirby
(details as above)
Hi Geoff
Thanks for your message, which I had sighted previously via the
APTA broadcast mentioned by Gerd Kratzer
Unfortunately, I have no idea who made this item
As indicated to you previously in a message, it is highly unlikely
that anyone in the Philatelic/Stamp Trade had anything to do with
producing the material
It is more likely to have been put together by a general memorabilia
dealer or trader
You find them in shopping centres throughout Australia ... they
come and go !
I have no idea where you could search further
Regards, David
Monday 28th April 2008
Email to Elysia Rowney
Administration Assistant
Australian Olympic Committee
Level 3 1 Atchison Street St Leonards New South Wales Australia
Tel (02) 8436 2100 ... Fax (02) 8436 2198
Email -
Web site -
My name is Geoff Roneberg, and I am the Father of an Olympic Athlete
Brett is a professional baseball player and competed at both the
2000 Sydney and the 2004 Athens Olympics with the Australian Baseball
...... and in Athens Brett and the Team won the Silver Medal !!
There is a shot of Brett with his Medal attached to this note
I mention this to show that my enquiry is "a legitimate one"
Now to my request for some Information
During the Sydney Games, Brett purchased a Stamp Presentation
named ... The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Commemorative Stamp Set
... and a photo of this set is also attached
This was purchased after receiving a "shopping booklet",
the name of which I am sure was "The Olympic Store Direct"
The size of this presentation is 56cm x 45cm
The price we paid was $421.00
Now, I don't really want a valuation or anything like that
What I would like is all the release info or media notes that
were published when this presentation went on the market
Why ?? ... because over the years, all the info I had has been
misplaced !!
I hate to say it ... but I lost it !!
We have no intention of selling it
I have taken on the job of cataloguing all of Brett's Baseball
Memorabilia ... and, as you might realise, there is a lot of it
If you can send me all this detail, I will then print it out,
have it laminated, and then attach it to the back of the frame
... don't want to lose it again !!
I am sure there was information on a "DNA Protection"
that was inbuilt into the set so it could be proved to be genuine
... and other things like that
As a first step, I wrote to Australia Post, and their reply is
below ...
----------Wednesday 23rd April 2008
----------Good afternoon Geoff
----------I refer to your email received 17th April 2008
----------The 2000 Sydney Olympic Games Commemorative Stamp Set
you are referring to was produced external to Australia Post
----------In which case, we do not have any media release information
regarding this
----------You may wish to try contacting a local stamp dealer
by chance that they could perhaps provide you assistance to your
----------You can find them at
----------I hope this information has been of assistance to you
----------Kind regards
----------Denise Letran
----------Marketing Communications Coordinator
----------Philatelic Group
----------Email -
You would have read that they suggest I contact the Australasian
Philatelic Traders' Association (APTA) and I have done this
A Mr Gerd Kratzer of this Association has 'broadcasted' my query
to all the members ... but to date it is not looking very hopeful
... so The Australian Olympic Committee is my last chance !!
Do you have any information, details, photos, etc, etc on this
Stamp Set that I could have ??
It would be fantastic to have this on the back of the frame as
it is one of the items Brett has which reminds him of his first
Olympic Experience !!
Appreciate your help, and look forward to hearing from you
Regards, Geoff
Wednesday 14th May 2008
Reply from Elysia Rowney
(details as above)
Dear Geoff, and thank you for your email
We have chased this up with Australia Post and have had no luck
to date
This may be a deal that was done through The Sydney Organising
Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG)
Just advising you that we have been looking into this for you
and will email you as soon as we receive any further update
Kind regards, Elysia Rowney
Wednesday 28th May 2008
Reply from Elysia Rowney
(details as above)
Dear Geoff
In relation to your email, this was organised by the Sydney Organising
Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG)
However, SOCOG has been disbanded as from 31st December 2000
We have searched the internet on your behalf ... and have been
I am sorry that we have been unable to assist you this time
Kind Regards, Elysia Rowney