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Autographed Home
The Auction
"The Eastern League
All Star Game at Altoona Curve's Blair County Ballpark
Signed by the players on the day of the game - Wednesday 12th
July 2006
Up for sale today is a sweet, sweet item!!
Today I have my autographed home plate from the All Star Game!!
I got most of these autographs at the hotel where the players
were staying
And I finished it off by getting some of the Curve players at
the ballpark
I hate to get rid of this item
However I am out of work so I have to get money when and where
I can these days
I guarantee this to be 100% authentic as I got all the signatures
in person
And note, the All Star
Game 'Most Valuable Player' Brett Roneberg is on the plate!!
There are approx thirty-five autographs - there were fifty players
in total
A few of the players have already moved up to 'AAA" - and
their next step is the Major Leagues!!
Also included are a pair of colour rosters from both the Northern
and Southern Division teams
These would look great framed, and hanging right next to the home
Item location - Summerville, Pennsylvania United States
This auction ended on Sunday 24th September 2006
The starting price was set at USD$39.95 (AUD$53.10)
There were no bids
and the auction was withdrawn