My name is BRETT RONEBERG and I was a member of the Baseball Team
at The Athens Olympics in 2004 --- and we won a Silver Medal!!!
Now, I am coming across a bit of a problem
We all know that the atmosphere and excitement of Athens can never
be replaced, and, very importantly, that the actual Silver Medal
could never be replaced!!!
But I still wish to have it insured - and this is the problem
The insurance company (RACQ Home Insurance) is very happy to cover
the Medal, but they need some sort of valuation to base their
costs and the cover on
The Olympics have been going for a long time!!! - and I feel that
over the years you may have been asked about this and would have
some sort of "standard amount" that you could forward
to me
Thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you
My Postal Address is:-
Post Office Box 62
Trinity Beach
Queensland 4879
Dear Brett
I refer to your email question above
Surprising as it may seem, we have never received a value placed
on any Olympic medals in the past
The value seems to be determined by how much a buyer is prepared
to pay for the Olympic medal at the time the medal is placed on
the market for sale
The occasions worldwide are few and far between
From memory I think a Silver medal was sold by a Russian a decade
ago for about $5,000.00
Sorry we cannot help you any further
Alan Grover
Group Manager Brand Protection & Special Projects
Australian Olympic Committee
Phone - 61 2 8436 2100
Fax - 61 2 8436 2198
Level 3, 1 Atchison Street, St Leonards NSW 2065
This guy is a client of ours who is used by
auction houses to help set values of sports souvenir type things
Thought I would ask!!
Hi Todd
I am Bruce and Melinda's secretary
We were having a chat yesterday and your name came up
Bruce said that you are the man to talk to when it come to sporting
My brother won a Silver Medal in Athens last year and Dad has
been trying to get it valued for insurance purposes
He is having trouble as no one seems to be able to come up with
a figure for him
I just wondered if you have any idea or can point me in the right
direction for someone who might know
I can understand the difficulty in getting a value because although
the silver component can be valued it is the unique value, sentimental
or otherwise, to the winner that is the most valuable but also
highly subjective
I spoke to Legends Genuine Memorabilia in Sydney who are probably
the #1 supplier of Memorabilia in Oz but they said they knew no-one
directly who could value the item
They thought the Australian Olympic Committee should be able to
help or some Olympic organization in Oz should be able to assist